Sunday 2 October 2011

Sailors Delight

The photo that almost got away; I left home to collect Simone with no doubt in my mind that it was not going to be a good sunset evenin, I racked my brain for ideas to take a easterly facing sunset photo as there were dramatic storm clouds forming on the eastern hills outside Perth.

However, by the time I had picked Simone up clouds had moved in from the north and it was off to Cottesloe we went. After a brief stop in at the main beach we moved up to the same spot as last week, the clouds were turning pink/purple and I ran down to the beach... only to find the rocks I was shooting from last time were completely gone. Replaced by a young couple romancing in the sand which I just about ran over :)

A quick sprint along the beach, passing joggers and dog walkers. Much surprised to see me running flat out down the beach lugging a big tripod with a camera mounted on it. I stopped at some more rocks in the water, turned around to setup to find three other photogs already there and shooting. Must be a good spot! While they were all up on some rocks in safety, I did my usual thing; Took off my shoes, rolled up my jeans and got wet.

Here is the result:

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